On 28 May 2019, Angular has released its latest version Angular 8. As we all know that Angular is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks.
Angular 8 has some new and unique features compared to the previous version of Angular.
Acesoftech Academy which is an I.T training institute and keeps updating its course according to the industry trends.
In this article, we will share the information about the latest version of Angular. Every version is different from one another and some special features which make it different from the previous version.
So let’s see what’s new in Angular 8?
The third generation of Angular compiler is the Ivy. By using Ivy, it is easier to debug API, dynamic loading of modules and components, get smaller bundles and faster loading. Without changing Angular applications, Angular 8 changes how the framework internally works. To get better build sizes more compatible with tree-shaking, better build times (incremental approach) and new features like lazy loading of the component instead of modules, the ivy project is mainly rewriting the Angular compiler and runtime code. There are two main concepts of Ivy:
a) Tree shakable
b) Low memory footprint
With differential loading, the application works faster because different bundle work for different browser. Angular 8 applications will perform much better and fast. When building for production, two bundles will be created. A bundle for modern browsers which supports ES2015+ and for older browsers, a bundle which will only support ES5 version of JavaScript. By the browser, the right bundle will be loaded automatically.
The use of Builders API is allowed with the latest version of Angular 8. Builders API is also known as the Architect API. Mainly, it is a just a function with a collection of commands which is passed to the createBuilder() method from @angular-devkit/architect package. Custom builders can also be created as well. It is used for the main operations: serve, build, test lint and e2e.
Bazel is available in opt-in preview mode. In @angular/cli in version 9, it is expected to be included.
Some Bazel advantages are as follows:
a) Faster build time: Before Bazel, CI gets completed within 7.5 minutes rather than one hour. It takes time for the first build but concurrent builds will be much faster.
b) Incremental Build: Codebase will only activate the smallest rebuild possible help to build and deploy only what has changed rather than the entire app.
c) Bazel files can be ejected because they are hidden by default.
d) It enables to build backends and frontends with the same tool.
In Angular 8 web worker support is added. Web workers can be added and it is great for speeding things in applications. For example, it can offload work to a background thread which can either be an image or video manipulation.
For all developers using AngularJS, the Angular team wants to provide support to upgrade them with the latest angular. Therefore, some improvement has been made to provide a better combination with the AngularJS $location service in hybrid (AngularJS <=> Angular) apps. A new package is added angular/common/upgrade
The new package helps to:
i) The ability to retrieve the state from location service is allowed.
ii) Ability to track all location changes.
iii) Allows reading hostname protocol port search properties which are available in Angular JS.
iv) To test the location service MockPlatformLocation API is added.
Angular 8 has a feature of router backward compatibility mode. It helps to upgrade the path for large projects. It will be easier to move Angular by letting lazy loading parts of Angular v1.x apps using $route APIs.
Opt-In sharing will enable opt-in sharing telemetry about the Angular CLI usage with the Angular team. Now data like commands used can be collected by Angular 8 and build the speed if the users allow them which will help the developers improve in future.
Therefore, before summing up this article we can surely say that the Angular team is doing a commendable job to make the job much easier. The Angular version 8 looks that it will make the applications much simpler and easier. Day by day, the framework is getting smoother with every new release which makes the Angular platform better.